Say Goodbye to Depression with a Revolutionary Depression Treatment in Kettering, OH
Have you struggled with depression and exhausted all of the other treatment methods available without any positive results to show for it?
Ketamine has shown a considerable amount of promise over the past 20 years by alleviating depression in a matter of hours as opposed to the traditional antidepressants that take weeks, even months to work. Studies have shown that patients who are considered treatment-resistant to multiple other antidepressant medications are seeing resolve of their depressive symptoms.
At New Life Ketamine Clinic in Kettering, OH, we do more than just provide ketamine; our team is trained to help patients get through their new psychological experiences, maximizing comfort and efficacy. Our team believes it’s not only about utilizing the medicine but how you partner with the medicine and learn to make it work for you.

The Benefits of Ketamine for Depression
One of the biggest reasons ketamine is popular for the treatment of depression is the fact that ketamine works quickly. Why many antidepressants can take weeks to accumulate in your body, many patients have reported feeling better within just a few hours of their first infusion.
Although ketamine has shown very promising outcomes for various psychological conditions, like any treatment, it does not always work for everyone. If you searching for a new depression treatment option after all others have failed then ketamine infusion might be a viable treatment option for you.
How Ketamine Works
Researchers are not exactly sure how ketamine works, but the most common theory is that it prompts the connections to regrow the brain cells responsible for mood. The director of the National Institute of Mental Health agrees. “Recent data suggest that ketamine, given intravenously, might be the most important breakthrough in antidepressant treatment in decades,” says Thomas Insel, MD.
Ketamine works in a very different manner than many other psychiatric medicines. Ketamine works on a different signal molecule in your brain, glutamate. Glutamate receptors are associated with memory and learning. An overabundance of glutamate receptors can lead to severe depression. Ketamine blocks these receptors causing a rewiring or re-booting of the brain, which results in an antidepressant effect.
Ketamine breaks up the rigidity of the negative thought processes and behaviors that have been ingrained in people over long durations of depression or trauma. Ketamine helps patients feel more hopeful and optimistic. This has signal cascading effects that continue to work in the brain well after the medicine has left the system.
What is Depression?
What Are The Causes of Depression?
Depression is a mental illness that’s more than just feeling sad or moody. It occurs in a serious, life-changing way that affects your will and motivation in life. Depression is a common mood disorder that has already affected more than 322 million people in the world, according to Our World Data.
Since it is a mental issue, depression affects how you carry your day-to-day basics, and if left untreated may lead to worrisome thoughts like suicide.
The condition cannot go away on its own and should not be taken as something you can just snap out of. It is estimated that depression is more likely to affect adult women than men.
To be precise, the National Institute of Mental Health states that adult women are 1.4 to 3 times more likely to experience an episode of depression than men. Depression can be treated in several ways including medication, therapeutic solutions, and even joining support groups.
Signs & Symptoms of Depression
Depending on the person affected, symptoms of depression come out differently. Your family history, personality, type of depressive disorder, all play a key role in identifying your signs and symptoms of the mental health disorder. The common symptoms of depression can be categorized as follows:
Cognitive Symptoms
- Problem focusing on basic tasks
- Difficulty making decisions
- Distractibility
- Slowed responses
- Uncontrolled thoughts
Physical Symptoms
- Appetite changes
- Restlessness or fatigue
- Weight loss or gain
- Insomnia or oversleeping
Behavioral Symptoms
- Irritability or tantrums
- Jittery behavior
- A significant drop in school or work performance
- Low interest in social activities
There is Hope, And We Can Help
Schedule Your FREE CONSULTATION Today!

If you or someone you may know is struggling with long term depression, and other treatment methods and medications have failed to help, then you may want to consider ketamine infusion therapy for depression treatment as a viable option in your quest to live a happier and healthier life and spending time with those you love the most.
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Are you interested in finding out if you are a good candidate for ketamine treatment?
Contact our friendly staff today and schedule your free consultation.
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Office Hours
Monday – Friday 10:00 – 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 – 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed